With Jack being a month old this week and West well on his way to being a three year-old, it's time to start documenting our life before the memories start slipping away. So with that. . .
Last night was a heck of a night. Mike, Jack and I are sharing a cold so I spent until almost 2am either feeding Jack or listening to him breathe and cough and make baby noises in general. Then, a little after 4am, West woke up from a nightmare* and wanted Mike to snuggle with him. We were all back up around 7am. The boys seem decently rested but mama and daddy are exhausted.
I had every intention of heading to see the in-laws today but we just aren't up to it, I'm also not up to the laundry I need to be washing and folding but we'll see how the rest of the evening goes.
Right now, Jack is napping in his (new!) swing and W in his bed while I'm blogging and the hubs is making an Outback run.
*his nightmares typically are about "a baby in my room looking at me" or "Superman coming to my home." Both deemed IMO not scary.